8 ways to become successful in Affiliate Marketing with Ben Givon

Real Estate Affiliates
4 min readNov 3, 2020
Each method Ben Givon shares is based on the experience of successful marketers.

These ten ways described in this article should help you improve your chances of success. According to Statista, the spending on affiliate marketing in the business sector should hit over $8 billion in the United States. You can start your game now to profit from this opportunity. Each method that Ben Givon shares is based on the experience of successful marketers. You can read more about affiliate marketing on our website here.

1. Create quality content

If you plan on making money from affiliate marketing, you should make sure to create solid content. Content is present in everything you share with the audience. You should be able to incorporate call to action and communicate in a well-written way.

Your reader should be in the center of your content. Make sure to reply to your readers’ questions and provide them with useful information, but put it in a way that is engaging and accessible.

It is necessary to know your audience and what brings them to your website. Analysing their searches on the portal is a great way to see what they are looking for. Write as much as possible and communicate your message.

2. Keep track of your affiliate marketing progress

If you want to maintain current success, you need to analyse what you worked on in the past. It is important to pay attention to how your customers engage with your website. Use analytics to find out more about your visitors. Which pages attract the most attention? How many are there returning and new visitors? Which links get the most clicks? If you can get these questions answered they should help improve your performance.

Which content results in the most conversions? Which pages serve as a trigger for conversions? Implement analytics to determine where to add more content and insert reference links.

3. Make sure to know your product

Knowledge makes you stand out. As it is mentioned in the SPI blog: “One of the biggest mistakes I see people make when attempting to sell a product as an affiliate is not knowing much about the product”, you can read the full article here. In order to stand out you need to be seen as an expert, as you provide recommendations to the visitors of your website.

It happens quite often when affiliates choose vendors that they think should be suitable for their audience without getting to know them better. Even if you don’t review the products, you still should know about them and how they can benefit the users. Don’t sign up with the vendor just because it appears that it offers something in your niche, do your research first. For a start you can read the reviews others have done, but try using it yourself.

Ben Givon encourages to engage your audience as much as possible.

4. Interest your audience

Usually, successful affiliate marketers communicate with their visitors. Ben Givon recommends you to have an option for comments, if you have a blog. This way you can converse with your audience. Of course, there will be spam which is necessary to filter, but engaging your visitors in conversation will make them return to your website.

At the end of your blog posts ask questions, this call to action should bring more activity on your portal, more visitors will see your website as a community.

5. Focus on one niche of affiliate marketing business

It happens often that marketers offer products or services from different niches, while Ben Givon recommends you to focus on only one. If you plan to maintain a successful affiliate site, concentrate on one niche. You can have different websites for different niches, but don’t spread yourself too thin.

6. Choose to help rather than sell

Blunt self-promotion and aggressive sites are never successful. In order to keep your website visitors coming back, you should provide them useful content and help them. If you check the websites that rank well you will find them to have a lot of useful information. Publish as much more detailed information as possible.

7. Test and improve

You should always strive to improve your process. Affiliate marketing will only prosper if you invest yourself constantly. As many of the tips mentioned above can be implemented from the beginning, you should also improve as you develop.

8. Invest time

In order to succeed, you should dedicate as much time into your affiliate marketing as possible. Be ready to spend extra time to make your efforts count.



Real Estate Affiliates

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