7 Reasons Why You Should Become an Affiliate Marketer by Ben Givon

Real Estate Affiliates
4 min readMar 29, 2021

Firstly, understanding the concept and definition of affiliate marketing is of utmost importance; before you consider the main reasoning behind choosing to be an affiliate marketer professionally, you must understand the work. The process of passively earning money through commissions that come from marketing a brand’s product or a set of services is affiliate marketing in a nutshell. It means being a salesman and a marketer all wrapped into one; the affiliate marketer finds and picks a product he believes in and later promotes it to a targeted audience. But how does it work exactly and why should you consider becoming an affiliate marketer? Ben Givon lists 7 reasons why you should change your profession.

  1. Passive Income

Every regular nine to five job requires your constant presence at work in order to make money, but affiliate marketing offers the ability to earn money while doing basically anything else. Initially, you must invest a certain amount of time and effort into your campaign, but afterwards, the results keep coming in based on customers purchasing the product over the following days or weeks. The work pays off long after it’s finished, even when you’re not in front of the screen, your exceptional marketing skills will be earning you a stable income.

2. No Need for Customer Support

When it comes to individual companies and sellers that offer specific services or products, they have to make sure that customer satisfaction is on a high level after they’ve made a purchase. The affiliate marketing structure takes those concerns away and ultimately you won’t be needing customer support nor customer satisfaction. The main task of the affiliate marketer is to make the connection between the seller and the consumer. The seller is the one held accountable for any potential complaints, while you receive your commission from the sale nonetheless.

3. Remote Work

If the office life doesn’t suit your lifestyle needs, being an affiliate marketer seems to be the perfect solution to your problem. Launching campaigns and receiving revenue from the products sellers create can be done from the comfort of your home; and the fact that you can actually do your job and earn for a living, while never changing from your pajamas is considered a definite plus for the majority of people.

4. Cost-effectiveness

When starting and owning a business nowadays, the main requirement is a startup fee, or a steady cash flow that will finance the products and their selling. Be that as it may, affiliate marketing can be executed quickly and trouble-free. There are no additional affiliate program fees to worry about and in order to begin with this line of work, there isn’t much to think about; it’s considered to be quite easy and straightforward.

5. Flexible and Convenient

The nature of affiliate marketing essentially makes you a freelancer, which means you get full independence in the goal setting process and tasks and time prioritization. You have the freedom to choose your own products, the ones you actually want to endorse, you can set your own work hours per your own needs etc. The convenience tied to affiliate marketing implies that you can easily diversify your portfolio or keep your focus on simple, straightforward campaigns; it is up to you. This flexibility also frees you from company restrictions, terms, regulation and conditions, along with underperforming teams.

6. Performance-Based Reward System

In other employment cases, the work structure suggests that you can work up to 80-hours a week and still make the same amount of money constantly. Affiliate marketing on the other hand is based solely on your performance and skills — the work you put in equally returns in the form of commissions. How you hone your strategy, review your skills, write engaging campaigns will directly translate to revenue improvements.

7. Unmatched Power of SEO

Underestimating a quality SEO strategy is a rookie mistake, given that if done properly, a well-fitted SEO strategy can attain tons of organic traffic from search engines. Nowadays, it’s all about making your website approachable and better for your customers; this is precisely why you should focus on learning the basics of on-page SEO, link building and keyword research.



Real Estate Affiliates

Real Estate Affiliates is an affiliate network that provides profitable conditions for both advertisers and publishers.