6 Tips on How To Become a Successful Affiliate Marketer by Ben Givon

Real Estate Affiliates
3 min readJun 3, 2021

We’ve all come across the term affiliate placed next to the words marketing or marketer by now. Affiliate stands for the process of earning a passive commission by marketing a particular product or service. It is an inexpensive and quick way of making money without actively selling a product. But how to stand out from the affiliate crowd? Ben Givon lists six tips on how to become a successful affiliate marketer.

1. Create a Rapport

At the beginning of your affiliate career, the first thing you should consider is to cultivate an audience with specific likes. By knowing your audience, you can tailor-make your affiliate campaigns for that niche, which increases the chances of converting a click into a sale. Covering multiple areas and promoting a large array of products and services will lessen your chances of success. Instead, you should focus on becoming an expert in a single area, where it is possible to market to an audience that will most likely purchase your products.

2. Make it Personal

There is a wide spectrum of products and services to choose from, and Ben Givon advises choosing those that correspond with your personal likes. The campaigns you pick should center around valuable products that consumers will buy in a heartbeat. Your personal brand should be the basis of reliability and customer trust; massive conversion rates are then implied if your audience believes in you, thus guaranteeing success.

3. Review Products and Services

Reviews of products and services are tools for gaining customer trust within your niche audience. As you’ve established this relationship with your readers, be sure to leverage the rapport with the audience and explain to them why purchasing that product will be beneficial. Everything that’s being sold online, digital software, physical products, even online services can and should be reviewed if they are a part of an affiliate program. Ben Givon pro tip: be sure to do comparison reviews of products within the same category. This way, the engagement gets boosted, along with conversions and sales.

4. Use Multiple Sources

When it comes to resources, your focus shouldn’t be solely on email campaigns. Ben Givon advises investing in a quality content blog, which will only enhance your online presence and reinforce the affiliate-buyer relationship. Reach out to your customers via social media. Also, be sure to consider cross-channel promotions. Frequently test out new strategies and techniques to gather valuable data on customer behavior patterns and adjust your practices accordingly.

5. Carefully Choose Campaigns

Even if your audience considers you a marketing wizard, one lousy product can put a dent into your customer’s trust, leaving you with less income. Before promoting the product, Ben Givon suggests that you study the demand for a particular item. Careful research is half of the job, and you should do so before teaming up with any seller. If we know that time is worth money, we want to be sure that it is spent most profitably.

6. Follow the Trends

Affiliate marketing is becoming a more competitive field by the year. To remain competitive, make sure to follow, but first, try to predict any trend that might occur. In addition to staying on top, you might profit more from following a couple of new marketing techniques that are constantly popping up. High revenue is guaranteed if you stay up-to-date on all the ongoing trends.



Real Estate Affiliates

Real Estate Affiliates is an affiliate network that provides profitable conditions for both advertisers and publishers.